Party Wall Services
Party Wall Services
What is this about and does it really apply to me? Well, when you build an extension to your property, or your neighbour does, there are some legal requirements that need to be followed under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996. A ‘party wall’ doesn’t just mean the wall between two properties, it also covers:
- A wall forming part of one building but which is on the boundary line between two or more properties.
- A wall which is common to two or more properties, this includes where someone constructed a wall and a neighbour subsequently built something butting up to it.
- A garden wall, where the wall is astride the boundary line or butts up against it and is used to separate the properties, but is not part of any building.
- Excavation near to a neighbour’s property.
- Floors and ceilings of flats.
It can be unsettling when you know building works are going to happen or, as sometimes happens, they have started already without your knowledge. But don’t worry, because professional expertise is at hand. We know how to guide you through this formal process, thus helping to avoid any structural problems which might otherwise occur.
We are members of the Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors which means we can:
- act on behalf of both Building Owners and Adjoining Owners as referred to under the Act.
- offer a pre-construction advice service to developers, architects and land owners.
- negotiate and produce access licenses and crane over sail agreements.
- provide advice and guidance on any boundary issues which may arise as a result of the building works.
This legislation is not optional and expensive legal bills have been known to occur where the parties involved fall out and fail to agree the best way forward. If you need to know more, then call us for a free no obligation initial discussion.